vendor/damienharper/auditor/src/EventSubscriber/AuditEventSubscriber.php line 33

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  1. <?php
  2. declare(strict_types=1);
  3. namespace DH\Auditor\EventSubscriber;
  4. use DH\Auditor\Auditor;
  5. use DH\Auditor\Event\LifecycleEvent;
  6. use Exception;
  7. use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
  8. /**
  9.  * @see \DH\Auditor\Tests\EventSubscriber\AuditEventSubscriberTest
  10.  */
  11. class AuditEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
  12. {
  13.     private Auditor $auditor;
  14.     public function __construct(Auditor $auditor)
  15.     {
  16.         $this->auditor $auditor;
  17.     }
  18.     public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
  19.     {
  20.         return [
  21.             LifecycleEvent::class => [
  22.                 ['onAuditEvent', -1_000_000],  // should be fired last
  23.             ],
  24.         ];
  25.     }
  26.     public function onAuditEvent(LifecycleEvent $event): LifecycleEvent
  27.     {
  28.         foreach ($this->auditor->getProviders() as $provider) {
  29.             if ($provider->supportsStorage()) {
  30.                 try {
  31.                     $provider->persist($event);
  32.                 } catch (Exception $e) {
  33.                     // do nothing to ensure other providers are called
  34.                 }
  35.             }
  36.         }
  37.         return $event;
  38.     }
  39. }